Monday, December 30, 2019

The Smashing Pumpkins An Early Age Of The Most...

The Smashing Pumpkins were one of the most influential bands in the 90’s their timbre often fell under alternative rock. Musical preferences are formed at an early age, unknowingly the people in your environment help develop how partial you are to any genre. Growing up, my mom, and older sister listened to a variety of diverse progressive music. So majority of that exposure helped me at an early age identify what kind of â€Å"tone colors† I preferred. It makes it easier to pick the type of music you enjoy the most. Alternative rock, Synth, Goth Rock, Metal, Pop just about anything with a beat is ok to listen too. I just observed that Alternative Rock, and Synth Pop are a theme to most of my playlists. Certain bands take you home, there’s a sense of nostalgia that’s associated with certain bands. For myself The Smashing Pumpkins take me to a place in my mind, where its going to be ok, on a rough day that’s all I can do to get by. The reason being is I’m diagnosed as manic depressive with a bipolar disorder. Which means I suffer from a mental illness that is more common then most people realize. However, it is hard to talk about, your just different, and that’s not a bad thing. Some days you feel like it is the worst thing in the world, and I’ve been taught many coping mechanisms to deal with myself. The first cassette tape I ever received from my mom who is also a lot like me suffering from depression as well, was a Smashing Pumpkins tape of their 1995 album MellonShow MoreRelatedMusic : The Smashing Pumpkins1875 Words   |  8 Pages The Smashing Pumpkins was one of the most influential bands in the 90’s their timbre often fell under alternative rock. Musical preferences are formed at an early age, unknowingly the people in your environment help develop how partial you are to any genre. Growing up my mother, and older sister listened too very diverse, and progressive music. So majority of that exposure helped me at an early age identify what kind of â€Å"tone colors† I preferred making it easier to pick the type of musicRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words   |  518 PagesDictionary: KayWilliamson. Draft of Edition II Editor’s Preface The present Igbo dictionary is a much revised and expanded version of the Igbo dictionary published by Kay Williamson, Ethiope Press, Benin City in 1972. Professor Williamson died in early January 2005, with it still unpublished. The revision was prepared in the 1970s and 1980s and was typed camera-ready in a manuscript submitted to the same publishers in 1983. The publishers first delayed in responding and then finally admitted they

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Police Officers Are Our First Line Of Defense Essay

INTRO: Police officers are our first line of defense in protecting society from the effects of crime. The construction of the criminal the justice system composes of various agencies with explicit procedures to control and diminish crimes along with, implementing penalties on those in violation of the laws. The criminal justice system was not as complex and intricate prior to the American Revolution which focused primarily on punishment and retribution rather than deterrence. Traditional policing continues to be the norm, in spite of this, law enforcement agencies have adopted additional effective strategies and approaches, relating to curtailing criminal acts before there are committed. Law enforcement agencies have relied upon criminologists, criminal analysts and the public, to further advance their initiative of reducing crime. A variety of law enforcement agencies has organized elite or special units within their agencies tailored specifically towards the reducing crime and enhancing the quality of life within their community. Certainly, the strategies law enforcement agencies utilize across the United States vary—significantly. During my research, I uncovered strategies which exhibited vast effectiveness while others fell short or simply could not be substantiated. I. Community-Oriented Policing Community policing, is best defined by the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), â€Å"A philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematicShow MoreRelatedLiability Causes of Action against Law Enforcement Personnel, Supervisors, and Agencies1661 Words   |  7 Pageswith continuous training; we can bolster and mitigate the agencies defense against liability. In essence, we need to be offensive thinkers in order to build a strong defense. This process should be continuous as our policies and procedures are living documents and customs. Recent studies show the most troubling legal problems facing law enforcement agencies today is the impact of criminal and civil liability. The amount of police litigation appears to be increasing with a movement towards largerRead MoreShould School Guns A Weapon Of Self Defense?1000 Words   |  4 Pagesdemand that teachers should be armed with guns in order to protect our students. A local resident of the area around the elementary school opened fire on 20 students and 6 staff before he shot himself dead. Maybe, just maybe this could have been avoided if the teachers were armed with fire arms. This however might send the wrong message to students, making them believe that it is okay to carry guns around or shoot people. Are our children safer with guns in school or without? The answer lies onlyRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System Has An Important Function942 Words   |  4 Pagesvictims can often shape how the victims feel about themselves and about the level of help they will rec eive. The first level interaction the victim will often have with the criminal justice system is with the police. Often how a police officer views certain crimes ultimately influences how they are going to treat the victim. In the case of sexual assault, a very traumatic crime, the police officer can be found blaming the victim. Researchers Sleath and Bull attributed this to â€Å"rape myth acceptance [as]Read MoreThe Streets Of Chicago, A Young People Of The United States1410 Words   |  6 Pagesnormal gang fights you hear about, the boy named Rodney King was beaten by none other than the police. What makes it even worse is that this young man was unarmed and did not pose a threat, which means he was beaten for no reason. This is even caught on tape. Even though this was only one example it is not the only incident where police brutality shows to be prevalent. Personally, I do not trust the police. They swear an oath to protect people but obviously do not do so. Their poor judgement and trainingRead MoreShould School Guns Be Banned?1638 Words   |  7 PagesProtecting Our Future The debate of whether or not teachers should be allowed to carry guns in school is very heated and continues to dilemma the minds of many. However, both the supportive and opposing parties have good grounds that can be used to choose. Recently in the year 2012, 26 people in elementary school in Texas were shot dead triggering public demand that teachers should be armed with guns in order to protect our students. A local resident of the area around the elementary school openedRead MoreWe All Know That The U.s.1314 Words   |  6 Pagesdeath by a white police officer named Darren Wilson caused a lot of arguments in the society. To express opinions about this matter, in his essay â€Å"Ferguson won’t change anything. What will?,† Glenn Loury states that the Michael Brown’s case should not be a great example of America’s ideas on race and social classes order, as well as the role of law enforcement since the case is questionable and controversial. Besides tha t, I think that Loury is surely right when he points out that our communities mustRead MorePolice Force And Its Components1350 Words   |  6 Pages Peruvian Police Force and Its Components: A Study Yvette Nicola Police Administration- Theory and Practice November 12, 2015 Dr. Siyu Liu New Jersey City University When it comes to the topic of policing, countries have different laws and regulations for the police force. Tactics also differ which allow each police force to be unique and distinct from others. In the presentation covered, Peru’s police force was examined. Topics that were discussed include the history and demographicsRead MorePolice Misconduct And Its Effects Essay1345 Words   |  6 PagesPolice misconduct is a broad term; it can potentially include anything from a police officer making a stop without even a reasonable suspicion justification to the use of lethal force in an altercation that does not warrant it or could have been resolved without it. Police misconduct is not limited to the use and abuse of lethal or nonlethal force at the hands of law enforcement. Police misconduct is defined by the Cato Institute as: â€Å"any action performed by a law enforcement officer that is unethicalRead MoreOur Firm s Suit On Behalf Of Client Michael Ndichi Essay1593 Words   |   7 PagesOur firm’s suit on behalf of client Michael Ndichi sets forth two arguments against the police. The first, a Constitutional argument, counters the police’s anticipated qualified immunity defense in this suit, and the second, a psychological argument, argues that the police department’s policies left Officer Jensen ill-equipped to make good decisions. In this memo, I present Constitutional and psychological evidence to undergird each of these arguments. As an initial matter, we must be prepared toRead MoreU.s. Supreme Court And The Fourth Amendment1564 Words   |  7 Pagespartisanship has always been a major problem when it comes to political aspects of the law. The Constitution was designed to implement laws into our country that would make our governing body run smoother with fewer conflicts. However, when dealing with Democracy based on the â€Å"people’s word† it is hard to avoid such conflicts. Since each citizen in our country has the right to freedom of speech and thought, the interpretation of various parts of the Constitution have become heavily analyzed when

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Black plague Free Essays

The Black Death During the fourteenth century there were some major disasters that plagued Europe and would result in everlasting changes. War caused by peasant revolts, French and English battle for throne, religious conflicts, famine caused from flooding by heavy rains and devastating arctic weather, were some of the massive dilemmas that Europe faced. â€Å"But the cruelest blow of all was the Black Death. We will write a custom essay sample on Black plague or any similar topic only for you Order Now This was the name given In Europe to a pandemic (universal) outbreak of a deadly disease, the bubonic plague. † (Lewis, 247). This disease was nothing new for Europe, during the sixth century Europe, the plague had already caused massive damage. But this time around it effected more people’s lives than ever before. (Lewis, 246-247). Human resistance to disease was lowered from the famine and malnutrition. The spike in Rupee’s population during the agricultural boom finally came to an end. â€Å"By about 1347, the plague reached the Black Sea region; from there, merchants from the city of Genoa brought it to Italy; and In about four years, It spread across Europe. (Lewis, 247). All people from the bottom of the social latter such as the peasants’ right up to he top with the nobility such as lords and princes, had to deal with the drastic changes. No man, woman, nor child were safe from this tragic outbreak. The social effects that the Black Death that changed the most were that of the serfs and peasants who worked the fields to keep the agriculture flowing–significantly decreased . The members of the Church thinned along with the royal members of European kingdoms had also reduced their numbers. The clergy now needed to find new members but because of the decrease In population this left an opening to get more corrupt Individuals Involved. Many people Interpreted the plague as a punishment from God that called for severe personal penitence; some thought the end of the world was at hand. (Lewis, 247). The psychological effects alone were enough to change Europe forever. The change in the economy eventually led to a new form of an economic system, capitalism. The need to make more money off the goods that needed to be sold or traded, caused more lengthy travel. These travels led to the contact with many new people more specifically, International merchants. â€Å"Independent craftspeople, in trouble because of trade stoppages, might become employees of wealthy merchants who were better able to survive until times improved; kings fighting expensive wars, and popes moving money to Rome, both needed services of bankers. † (Lewis, 253). The rise of bankers and a new method of transferring currency by the usage of paper money also started in the aftermath of the depopulation of Europe. The success of these International bankers, contributed to them augmenting both political and social Influence. Technology progressed due to the rise of capitalism, and because of the contact between Arabs, Chinese, and the Europeans, all new innovations were forming a new lifestyle for any people. â€Å"Sea transport, warfare, book production, the measurement of time–all were revolutionized by the Europe of the late Middle Ages. Lewis, 256). The invention of gunpowder by the Chinese and the improvement with it by the Europeans would and technical change enabled rulers to gain more control of their governments and armed forces than before. † (Lewis, 258). The central government treasury no longer paid the officials, causing more taxes to be collected from the public. This did open the gates for more corruption and fraud i n the European societies. With all of the inheritance from the dead that the living received, most likely fueled some of the changes. The peasants also wanted higher wages for the work they had to do, which can cause all new problems. This plague also left many towns and villages abandoned and never to be rebuilt again. In a sense the Black Plague contributed to the end of feudal rule and now rulers had a little more direct control over their lands. With all things considered, the Black Plague was not the only reason for all the changes that occurred in Europe, but it was one of the larger contributors. The league killed perhaps a quarter of all the inhabitants of Europe during the fourteenth century (25 million out of a population of 100 million). (Lewis, 247). The political, religious, economic, and social changes of European society after the Black Plague have had everlasting effects, with the reformation of Europe, in which some of the changes are still seen in present day. The humanism movement and Renaissance era in Europe were also about to surface. It’s very interesting to think about, that everybody alive today have had the lucky ancestors that survived the horrors of the fourteenth century. How to cite Black plague, Papers Black Plague Free Essays DBQ-Black Plague During mid-fourteen century, a terrible plague hit Europe and wiped out a third of the population, 25,000,000 people of Western Europe. This plague was named the Black Plague since when people got the disease they got bumps that oozed black liquid and different body parts would turn black. The plague was spread by infected fleas on rats that bit humans. We will write a custom essay sample on Black Plague or any similar topic only for you Order Now Since the Europeans lacked medical knowledge, the Plague caused hysteria and hopelessness to spread across Europe. Therefore the Europeans turned to the one stable unit in their lives, the Church. The Europeans lack of medical knowledge really hurt them. They had all types of perceived causes and treatments that they thought would work. People just kept dying and they couldn’t find a cure for something that they didn’t know the cause. According to Heinrich Truchess von Diessenhoven, Jewish people were one perceived cause that the Europeans believed. They spread a rumor that the Jews poisoned the wells and rivers for people had â€Å"confessed† to the crime. The Report of the Paris Medical Faculty states another perceived cause to be the configurations of the heavens and the major conjunction of three plants in Aquarius to be blamed. Another excerpt states that an earthquake that occurred on St. Paul’s day in 1347 corrupted and infected the air above the earth and killed people in various parts of the world. In the excerpt from an anonymous poem, the vices rule is indicted as a cause. The Europeans tried many treatments in which most of them failed. However, Lisavetta Centenni wrote that her husband, Ottavio, had a fatal fever. She believed he would die but Sister Angelica sent her a little piece of bread that had touched the body of St. Domencia. Her husband was a lucky one and his fever broke. Other methods didn’t work so well and patients died anyway. For example, H. de Rochas, a French physician states that patients would hang toads around their neck either dead or alive, in which they believed the venom would draw out the poison of the disease. Furthermore William Zouche, an Archibishop of York, wrote to his official that he believes the plague was surely caused by the sins of men so in order to stop the plague they should pray to the Almighty God and ask him to drive away the infection. In addition Dom Theophilus of Milan, a priest, suggests a few things to do if a person is struck by the plague. First let him gather as much as he can of bitter hatred towards the sins he committed, and the same quantity of true sorrow of heart, and mix the two into an ointment with tears. That is just one example of his unrealistic treatments. As you can see now this is why the plague had spread and killed so many people. The lack of medical knowledge led to hysteria in Europe as well. The first example is a letter from a schoolmaster saying the plague had taken twenty of the boys and this kept people from coming to them at all. The plague affected the education of the people as well. The hysteria only got worse. Heinrich von Laden stated that people were dying in their own houses of starvation for they were so afraid to leave and get food, and if a person had died within their home they were buried there. Imagine being as afraid as to leave your home, children must’ve been terrified. Then people started turning to more murderous options. According to the ‘Motto of Giovan Filippo, Sicilian physician of Palermo,’ gold, fire, and the gallows were being used. The gold was used for income for the pest houses to quarantine the sick, the gallows to punish those who violated the health regulations and bonfires to eliminate the infected. People were just turning to anything to try and get rid of this horrid plague. In an English Puritan’s diary, the father Nehemiah Wallington writes, â€Å"Who would I be willing to give up to the disease? Then would I say the maid. Who next? My son John. Who next? My daughter Elizabeth. Who next? Myself. People were going mad in their homes, and willing to give up anyone but themselves. I don’t even know if I’d be able to keep my head either. The document from Heinrich Truchess von Diessenhoven comes up again for the hysteria was causing people to spread rumors that really hurt the Jew’s reputation and caused a huge decline in their population. Even some people confessed to it because they were starting to actually believe the untrue rumors. Some Christians confessed that the Jews had induced them to carry out the deeds. Even though an excerpt from an anonymous poem argues that everyone should rejoice with each other. People were obviously not listening to that poem if they were pointing out certain people who â€Å"caused† the plague. I already spoke about Dom Theophilus’ ridiculous methods of getting rid of the plague but I just wanted to bring it up again to show how hysterical people were getting by making up absurd remedies like that. Therefore, Europeans suffered greatly from this plague and lost a third of their population which is 25 million people. I would’ve liked to see a death chart rate over the years in Europe. With all of this death and exposure education and centralization was very hard to recover. Even through all of this havoc the people always turned to the church in their time of need. An example is Lisavetta Centenni, an Italian housewife, whose husband survived from the blessed piece of bread from St. Domencia. It was probably out of luck, or good immune system that helped him survive, but people looked at this in a very serious and reliable manner. Furthermore, Father Dragoni states he has accompanied danger with compassion and charity and paid guards and gravediggers with alms the lordships sent him. They depended a lot on alms and holy charities would help. The Church not only had a religious role but a secular one as well. Peasants were taught how to farm and how to use tools. Noble’s daughters were taught to farm as well. As I mentioned before, William Zouche said that people believed that if they prayed to the Almighty One, he would stop the spread of the plague and go to church every Wednesday and Friday. Once again, the document with Dom Theophilus of Milan appears for he believed if you used these remedies you could save yourself. Overall, you could see how important the Church was to the people. The lack of medical knowledge really didn’t help the Europeans against the plague. It led to hysteria and all kinds of disasters. The people turned to the Church in a time of need, but even the Church was little help in this catastrophe. The Bubonic Plague still exists in countries today but with our advanced medical knowledge, people can get the right medical attention and medication they need. Doctors never want to have a repeat in history like the Black Plague in Europe and lose millions of people again. How to cite Black Plague, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Difference Between Medival and Renaissance Period Essay Sample free essay sample

First. I think it’s of import to observe the inevitable semantic argument that must be had here before you can properly turn to the inquiry. ‘Middle Ages’ and ‘Renaissance’ can’t be compared straight. They aren’t two things that followed each other. ‘Middle Ages’ is a tag much like Antiquity. in-between ages. early modern period. modern period. It is used to mention to a specific clip frame. ‘Renaissance’ isn’t used to mention to a period of clip. It was a cultural motion. Now it did take topographic point in the 14th to. arguably. 17th centuries ( ish ) . but it wasn’t a period of clip as such. it was a motion. This can be shown in the fact that frequently you hear historiographers discoursing different ‘Renaissances’ . For case. whilst the Renaissance as most of us know it today began in Italy in the fourteenth century. those thoughts did non truly distribute into northern Europe – and England is classed in aboard those – until the terminal of the fifteenth century and the beginnings of the 16th. We will write a custom essay sample on Difference Between Medival and Renaissance Period Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So the cultural motion of the Renaissance impacts different countries of Europe at different times. Whereas the ‘Early Modern period’ . or the ‘Middle Ages’ don’t affect topographic points at different times. they are approximately the same clip period across the whole of Europe. I hope that helps to demo the semantic difference between the two? However. that cultural motion did take topographic point in the late Middle Ages and the early modern period. and spanned the two. The thoughts that came about during the late-Middle Age period of the Renaissance are one ground that modern historiographers would state the Middle Ages ended at around the bend of the sixteenth century. when the early modern period began. The grounds for this are mostly related to antiquity and classical beginnings. The Middle Ages are. or at least were. frequently referred to as the Dark Ages. The ground for this is that the period between the autumn of Rome and the oncoming of Renaissance idea was that the visible radiations of classical antiquity – the plants of Aristotle and Cicero. architecture. artistic conventions etc. – had been ‘blocked out’ . Humanist critics and so called Enlightenment ‘philosophes’ would subsequently claim that the Church had blocked out those beginnings in order to solidify their authorization and control. The Renaissance period though saw a return to those things. The classical period came back into trend. Even the ‘Church’ ( Catholic Church if you want to name it that. although at the start of the Renaissance. there hadn’t been the Protestant split yet ) adopted the thoughts of people such as Aristotle and. subsequently – in the early modern ‘Counter-Reformation’ period – Cicero’s thoughts and regulations about oratory were cardinal influences for new Catholic thoughts about their sermon methods. You besides see a return to sculptures and wider art that was influenced by classical beginnings. political idea began to be more influenced by classical governments etc. etc. Later. the Enlightenment would once more travel off from classical beginnings and governments towards a sense of ground and personal experience. instead than trusting on beginnings written 1700 old ages antecedently. So. to sum up. you can’t truly compare the Middle Ages and the Renaissance straight. The Renaissance began in the Middle Ages and moved on into the early modern period. However. if we are to take the basic differences between pre-Renaissance Middle Ages and the Middle Ages of the Renaissance. so the chief difference would be. to set it merely. the focal point on classical beginnings and inspiration from antiquity that was present in the latter of the two. but absent in the former.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Nationalism and the First World War free essay sample

A discussion of the nationalistic roots of the First World War. This paper presents various explanations why the First World War began, what were its primary causes, and concentrates particularly on the significance of the rising imperialism during the 19th century, most especially among the European nations (Germany, Great Britain, and Austria- Hungary). The First World War was the first-ever war that had brought great destruction and required greater involvement of many countries, most especially the European nations. Evidence of the impending world war started during the early 19th century, wherein colonization and strengthening of military power is the most prevalent activity of all European nations at that time. The World War I was said to have many causes, although the most important and more popular cause discussed by historians today is that the First World War started because of the rising imperialism among competing European nations. The war had two competing groups, the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente. We will write a custom essay sample on Nationalism and the First World War or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Triple Alliance was composed of Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy, while the Triple Entente was made up of Great Britain, France, and Russia. These groups were not originally formed as a triad; rather, each nation became affiliated with each other before and during the course of the war. One of the earliest alliances that were formed (prior to the First World War) is the pact between Germany and Austria- Hungary against Russia in 1879, which is then called the Dual Alliance (Spartacus Educational 2002). The other alliances (that of the Triple Entente, in particular) were formed upon the declaration of the war. The other nations that participated in the war, like Japan and the US, only participated when the war is already escalating. Prior to the First World War, there is already tension between these countries (comprising the Triple Alliance and Entente) because of succeeding events (pre-1914 events) that became the primary reasons for the war to inevitably begin.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Jozefow essays

Jozefow essays There is no doubt that during Hitlers reign in Germany, someone killed Jews. Someone ordered the killings, someone organized the killings and someone killed them. Is there a difference in these someones? For many years there has been controversy surrounding the extermination of the Jews during the Nazi era. People were tried and convicted for their involvement: some of them denied their contribution, others appeared neutral, and still others were proud of their involvement. These killers came from numerous nationalities, mixed political backgrounds, varied social/economic statuses, and age range. In the article ONE DAY IN JOZEFOW, Initiation to mass murder, the author, Christopher R. Browning, gives his reader an intriguing perspective into the mindset of men who were actually given a choice of whether or not to kill the Jews. Because his perspective only focuses on one specific event, his conclusions are, for the most part, not completely convincing. It is reasonable to be lieve that there was a stronger underlying force which caused otherwise normal people to become killers during the Nazi era, but Brownings use of minimal sources, skewed numbers and somewhat vague statements, causes the reader to feel they have been subjected to a micro-study with macro conclusions. Brownings article provides insight into a specific occasion in Jozefow, Poland, where Jews were murdered at point blank range by ordinary policemen. Of these policemen, some were drafted and some volunteered for one reason or another. This group, called Reserve Police Battalion 101, consisted of men around the age of 39 with only about 25 per cent of them belonging to the Nazi Party. (Browning, 304) After studying the court records of interrogations and trials of certain members of this police battalion, Browning discovered that these men were given a chance to reject the task of killing the Jews, yet the majority of t...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pick one of three topics about Modern Europe history Essay

Pick one of three topics about Modern Europe history - Essay Example The French revolution took place within the period 1789 and 1799 in Europe history and is the most active politically and socially with upheavals. The participants majorly included country liberals and radicals with a common agenda to take the country to the next governance stage (Voices from the battle of the Somme, 1990). In my view, the events shaped the history of Europe positively and brought into the minds of many people demand democracies and republican as opposed to theocracies and absolute monarchies. The revolution was full of warlike activities and global conflicts, which stretched the Caribbean towards the Middle East. It marked an imperative change phase for the entire Europe continent (sieyes, 1998). The unity among citizens of a nation and the spirit to fight for a country was evident in the Napoleonic war where Emperor Napoleon in the French empire led to marked series of coveted conflicts against many powers and coalitions in the continent Europe. The European armies were the immediate reformed agents from the war. The use of mass conscription was the major idea adopted across the Europe nation played by the Napoleon armies. It strengthened the governance of French across most Europe nations. It is recorded that out of a total more than 50 battles; Napoleon only lost less than 10 battles (Walter, 1992). Other leaders have regarded the determination in the mind of the ruler as paramount in many nations when they rely upon military defense. Marking the end of the rule was the waterloo defeat. Arms and battles do not safeguard countries in my view better yet the events under the rule helped to strengthen belief and attachment to their countries by fighting for it. The unification of Italy and Germany was probably the foundation of modern nationalism. The year 1848 was a rest from the upheavals that swept across Europe where the liberals and nationalists who participated in the events took a new turn by

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What is Epistemology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

What is Epistemology - Essay Example The link of epistemology into ontology and the way epistemology shape social research in general. According to scientists, there is a significant difference between too expressions: â€Å"I know that† and â€Å"I know how†. For instance, it is well-known that 1+1=2, however, here we could think not only about the result, but about the process itself: how there two numbers should be summed up. When we state that we â€Å"know† something, the question arises why we â€Å"believe† that. When we â€Å"believe’ in something we usually think that this â€Å"something† will not make us disappointed, for example we may believe in our national basketball team and its victory. However, epistemology considers â€Å"belief† from another point of view. For example, when we believe that the grass is green that means that we consider the statement that the grass is green to be correct. Every statement is simply a preposition of someone else and it does not mean that everybody must believe it .At the same time, if something represents a real fac t, it is true. The main controversy in this area is concentrated on study of the nature of knowledge and its connection to related concepts: information, conviction, and rationalization. It is connected with the method of knowledge acquisition and uncertainty about various statements. The different arguments of rationalism and empiricism and the controversy that occurs on the base on this difference is connected to different experience of the people in their attempts to obtain knowledge. According to rationalists, there are significant methods to obtain information autonomously of experience at the same time as empiricists consider experience to be very essential in knowledge acquisition (Fodor 1975). The vision of rationalists is usually built in the following way: they state that sometimes our knowledge obtained through intuition is more reliable, than that obtained from experience. Then,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Ten Financial Management Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ten Financial Management Questions - Essay Example Add bracketed tax @ 34% $119,000 Add the cost of capital $ 35,000 Total $504,000 Less depreciation of the old helicopter $54,000 So the net cost of the new helicopter $450,000 Question 4: Mud Construction Co. is considering buying a new equipment with cost of $625,000 and a salvage value of $50,00 at the end of its useful life of ten years. The equipment is expected to generate additional annual cash flow for ten years with the following possibilities. Probability Cash Flow 15 $60,000 25 $85,000 45 $110,000 15 $130,000 a. What is the expected cash flow b. If the company's cost capital is 10% what is the expected net present value c. Should the company buy the equipment a. The cost of the equipment is $625,000 10 years post installation salvage value $50,000 With probability 15, cash flow $60,000 The inflow of income 60,000x10=$600,000 b. Salvage value after 10 years $600,000 Hence the present value 600,000/10=$60,000 c. The cash flow shows that the company gets a marginal profit, therefore it is not advisable to buy the equipment. Question 5: Explain how the price of a new security is determined Security is the condition of being protected against danger or loss. In the general sense, security is a concept similar to safety. The nuance between the two is an added emphasis on being protected from dangers that originate from outside. Individuals or actions that encroach upon the condition of protection are responsible for the breach of security. A security is a fungible, negotiable interest representing financial value. Securities are broadly categorized into debt and equity...What is the approximate yield to maturity of the bonds Question 3: Bar T Ranches Inc, is considering buying a helicopter for $350,000. The company's old helicopter has a book value of $85,000, but will only bring $60,000 if it is sold. The old helicopter can be depreciated at the rate of $13,500 per year for next four years. The new helicopter can be depreciated using the five-year MARCS schedule. The new helicopter is expected to save $62,000 after the taxes through reduced fuel and maintenance expenses. Bar T Ranches is in the 34% tax bracket and 12% cost of capital. Question 4: Mud Construction Co. is considering buying a new equipment with cost of $625,000 and a salvage value of $50,00 at the end of its useful life of ten years. The equipment is expected to generate additional annual cash flow for ten years with the following possibilities. Security is the condition of being protected against danger or loss. In the general sense, security is a concept similar to safety. The nuance between the two is an added emphasis on being protected from dangers that originate from outside. Individuals or actions that encroach upon the condition of protection are responsible for the breach of security. A security is a fungible, negotiable interest representing financial value. Securities are broadly categorized into debt and equity securities.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ethical issues in advertising

Ethical issues in advertising ETHICAL ISSUES IN ADVERTISING INTRODUCTION Human beings create a number of different worlds. One of the worlds that human beings have created is the world of money, trade, commodities and exchange. To an outsider, this often feels like a world full of beauty and ugliness in equal proportions messy, flashy, exotic and sometimes even scary. Advertisers are often so engrossed with the nitty-gritty of the profession and dealing with as well as outsmarting competition, that they are unable to observe and comprehend this phenomenon. The business arena can be viewed as the world of buyers and sellers, producers and consumers, bosses and workers, a world of money. It is in effect nothing less than an ontological category – A Way of Being. It is not accidental to who we are, but rather, it defines the way we relate to each other as well as to the world around us. However, we must realise that it is not the be-all and end-all, and that there are other ways of Being; the most fundamental of these being Ethics. As per Geoffrey Klempner, Ethics is defined by an â€Å"I-thou† relationship as follows: â€Å"When I engage another person in moral dialogue, there are not two parallel processes of practical deliberation going on, his and mine, but only one. â€Å" This is in clear contrast with the case of a dialogue between traders or politicians, where each is privately deliberating as to how to gain the upper hand. In the former case, one is already committed to the practical consequences of agreement, and of doing the action which by the combined light of both the parties valuational perspective, is seen as the thing to be done. Human beings can belong to more than one world, or even move between worlds. We live in the marketplace and also outside of it. We can either play the various roles assigned to us in the game, or we can step outside of our economic personae and observe ourselves from an ethical point of view. Geoffrey Klempner has put forward three propositions as a prolegomenon to a philosophy for business: Business and commerce take place in a frame, in an arena defined by unwritten rules Normalethics is suspended within the business arena The aim of a philosophy for a business is to understand the rules that define the business arena, i.e. to grasp from an ethical perspective, as tohow business is possible When we claim that in the business world normal ethics is suspended, we do not deny the validity of rules of conduct, such as honesty and fairness. Without these universal rules and these values, the game could not be played. However, these obligations do fall far short of the demands of ethics. Advertising plays a major role in consumer marketing. It enables companies to meet their communication as well as other marketing objectives. Advertising is typically used to inform, persuade, and remind consumers. More importantly, it reinforces their attitudes and perceptions. For decades, advertising has been a target of criticism. It has been hailed as an engine of free market economy, a capitalistic virtue, as, and as a promoter of consumer welfare. On the other hand, its detractors accuse it of an array of sins ranging from sexism to deceit and manipulation, as an economic waste to purveying of harmful products, from triviality to moral and intellectual pollution (Mittal, 1994). Many see advertising as a threat to the self realization and to the cultural identity of the developing countries, since: It brings to many people alien ethical values It may deviate consumer demands in the developing countries to areas which might inhibit development priorities It affects and can also often deform ways of life and lifestyles(Mac Bride, 1980) Advertising is considered unethical in the following scenarios: It degrades the rivals product or a substitute product It gives misguiding information/false information It conceals information that vitally affects human life (e.g. Side effects of drugs) It makes exaggerated claims It is obscene or immoral or is against the broad national interest Even though comparative advertising may be considered legal and given the fact that its widespread use may have granted it acceptance, the debate on whether it is ethical or not, still continues to rage. There is however no unanimity or common ground among advertising professionals and marketing clients with regards to such questionable practices. However, all of them agree to this one aspect, that while considering the question of unethical practices, the focus needs to be to safeguard the interest of buyers at the micro level and of the society at the macro level, since their satisfaction remains the key to marketing success. The criticism has not been limited only to its intended effects on society, but also extends to its unintended effects. Most of the criticism has come from the elite observers of society. In contrast to this however, the general public has historically viewed advertising in a much more positive way. Criticisms of advertising have generally originated from the highest socio-economic classes. Since the earliest days of what now entails the modern marketing era and before, lower and middle class people have historically been more positive towards advertising. (Bauer Greyser, 1968; Fullerton Nevett, 1986; Steiner, 1976; Zanot, 1984). In India, we are still unaware of the extent to which these intellectual criticisms reflect the more widely held consumer beliefs and attitudes. To understand the viewpoints and opinions of the Indian public, we must examine as to how advertising is perceived in terms of its economic, social and ethical impacts. BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING Advertising is omnipresent in todays world, with a large proportion of human and also material resources are devoted to the field of advertising. Advertising has a number of benefits, which we can classify under the following heads: Economic Benefits of Advertising Advertising plays a very important role in the process by which an economic system is guided by moral norms and is responsive to the common good that contributes to human development. It is an essential part of the functioning of the modern market economies, which exist, or are emerging in many different parts of the world as well as those which seem to be the most efficient instrument for effective utilization of resources and also for effectively responding to the needs of different socio-economic kinds. Benefits of Political Advertising As a free and a responsible media, in a democratic system, it helps to counteract the tendencies towards monopolization of power on the part of oligarchies and also the special interests. Thus, political advertising can make a significant contribution by informing people about the policy proposals and the ideas of parties and their candidates, also including new candidates who were hitherto unknown to the public. Cultural Benefits of Advertising Advertisers have the opportunity to exert a strong influence on decisions pertaining to media content. They do so by supporting the material of excellent aesthetic, intellectual as well as moral quality that is presented with the greater interest of the public, and is particularly done by encouraging and making it possible for media presentations to be oriented towards those minorities whose needs go unnoticed and thus un-served. Moral and Religious Benefits of Advertising It has often been seen, that benevolent social institutions, including institutions of a religious nature, make in-depth use of advertising in order to communicate their messages. These may be messages of faith, messages of patriotism, messages of tolerance, or even messages of compassion and neighbourly service. The advertised messages may be those of charity towards the needy, messages concerning health and education, as well as constructive and helpful messages that not only educate, but also motivate people in a variety of ways. High involvement in all aspects of media-related activities, including advertising, has today become an essential part of a highly comprehensive pastoral strategy. ETHICS IN ADVERTISING Advertisings visible social role makes it a target for criticism. Some of todays customers believe that a great deal of advertising is unethical because: It adds to the price of the products It is untruthful It tricks people It targets vulnerable people Numerous advertising-related issues are often left to the discretion of the advertisers and are based on ethical concerns: Advocacy à   Advertising tries to persuade the audience to do something that is not correct. It is not objective or neutral. Accuracy à   Subtle messages trouble critics, especially when aimed at groups such as children, the elderly or the disabled. Acquisitiveness à   Consumers are continually persuaded that they continually need more and more new products. However, consumers make the final decision. ETHICAL ISSUES PREVELANT IN ADVERTISING Even though a section of the media and the public lambasted the advertisers and the advertising agencies for the falling scores of decency and taste in advertising, such advertisements raged on and they have now become the order of the day. Brands that were far-fetched from carnality have started showing all-consuming lust in their advertisements. This trend is prevalent in India as well. It began when on 23rd July 1995, a Mumbai tabloid published a photograph of an advertisement for Tuff shoes that showed models Milind Soman and Madhu Sapre, posing in the nude with a python wrapped around them, just about covering the vitals. The protests and controversy dragged on for a long time. The nation pooh-poohed the audacity of the couple, while the advertisement agencies defended their creative rights. The slogan of advertisers now-a-days is â€Å"Love it. Or Hate it. Or think it is offensive. But you have to notice it.† Advertising is largely criticized since selling carries a stigma. Centuries ago, Anacharis had said, the market is a place set aside where men may deceive each other†. Even to this date despite the significant rise in consumerism and despite the efforts to counter market deception, buyers are still gullible and are not particularly on the guard against deception. Under intense competition and declining profits, the perspective of organizations shifts from what is best for the society in the long run, to what is best for the company in the short-run. The advertisers claim that ethics are fine for the secure however all the slipping that a company needs is the desire for a greater market share. Since advertising pertains to a large audience, it belongs refers to the 4th quadrant of the grid shown below. Thus, the question to be asked by advertisers is, â€Å"What makes a good society?† Advertising thus must address the most controversial, collective level welfare issues. ADVERTISING AREAS THAT COME UNDER THE SCRUTINY OF ETHICS Advertising ethics affects both the practice of our lives and of business, in subtle as well as prominent ways. Ethics in advertisements concern us all in one way or the other. The areas under the scrutiny of the critics are: TYPES OF ADVERTISEMENTS For sex related products Instead of generating awareness among people about the necessity of safe sex and the benefits of birth control, condom advertisements continue to intrigue the audience and especially the youth with the unique feel that it has to offer. E.g. Moods Condoms For health care and professional services The slimming centres which promise miraculous weight reduction and the cosmetic surgery clinics which assure a permanent solution to all beauty problems. E.g. VLCC Slimming Centre For vices with fatal effects Tobacco chewing ads Commercials of alcoholic beverages that tempt the non-alcoholics to have a sip Gambling In early 2001, the Government of India announced that it would table a bill banning the tobacco companies from advertising their products and from sponsoring sports and cultural events. This example brings to the fore both the commercial and ethical dimensions of such a ban. It helps us to understand the role of ethics in a business decision and to understand where to draw the line in making decisions, which involve both ethical and commercial considerations. The element of social responsiveness as well as social responsibility attached to a business ethics dimension results in corporate strategy or even in formulating a business policy. Thus, we see that the connotation of ethics goes beyond the illegal acts of professional managers or even entrepreneurs. It covers the entire gamut of business operation, including ethics in advertising. PUFFERY Puffery refers to the exaggerated claim of a products superiority or it could also be the use of subjective/vague statements that may not be true in the literary sense. The Uniform Commercial Code is responsible for standardizing sales and business practices throughout the U.S. It makes a distinction between puffery as well as any specific or quantifiable statement about the product quality or the performance that constitutes an â€Å"express warranty.† For example, a diner advertisement promoting what it claims to be the worlds best cup of coffee would classify as puffery. Such a claim would be almost impossible to substantiate, and no reasonable consumer would fall for it and take such an exaggeration at its face value. Puffery often makes use of the superlative form of a word, like best or greatest. Puffery might also at times exaggerate the advertised effects of a particular product. SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING One that is transferred in such a way that the receiver is not consciously aware of receiving it. Subliminal means something that registers below the level of the conscious human mind. The brain perceives all the information in theory however the mind does not interpret the information for a meaning. Numerous studies indicate that quite often, we actually do perceive information at the subliminal level. A good example would be as to how often one would notice when the speedometer in the car is about to roll over to a bunch of zeroes. One doesnt consciously notice the mileage on the car ever so often, but the zeroing does make us pay attention. While driving to work, how many cars do we pass? What makes and models were they a part of? The only ones that we paid particular attention to were most probably the really neat cars or those cars which were driven by the people we recognize. If we notice something consciously, then it ceases to be subliminal anymore. Inserting subliminal messages in advertisements is an inherently misleading action. It involves an attempt to manipulate the thinking of a person, without the person even realizing it. The West has seen a considerable number of subliminal advertisements and related hullabaloos. This is primarily because the advertisement, marketing and the regulating media themselves have been quite active while raising such issues. During the US Presidential elections of the year 2000, it was found that a political advertisement for the candidature of George W. Bush subliminally flashed the word RATS while criticizing candidate Al Gores plan for prescription medicine. While the ad maker was prompt in denying that the quickly flashed word was in fact a subliminal message designed to sling mud at Gore, a large number of people, however, had concluded that RATS was indeed inserted with the surreptitious intention of subliminally causing the viewers to associate Al Gore with vermin. The questionable wo rd appeared on the screen only for a microsecond, thus passing by so fast that it was almost not recognizable to the conscious mind, especially when the mind was already passively lulled by television. As per the theory of subliminal advertising, the image would, actually register in the viewers subconscious mind, thus causing the viewer to negatively associate candidate Al Gore with a rat/rodent. TYPES OF APPEALS IN ADVERTISEMENTS Use of questionable appeals The advertisements that bank on negative appeal and fear like neighbours envy, feud, jealousy etc. are part of this category. Nimbus Neo Sports (Neo) had bagged the telecast rights for the India-West Indies and also the India-Sri Lanka series to be held in India. In January 2007, an ad campaign was launched by Nimbus with the pay-off line being Its tough being a West Indian in India. One of the advertisements in this series showed a West Indian desperately searching for some water to quench his thirst, as his palette is unable to handle the spicy Indian food. However, the Indians put their dirty fingers and their dentures into the water in order to deny him from having a drink. Another advertisement showed a West Indian couple along with an Indian boatman, on a boat-ride. On reaching the centre of the deep lake, the boatman throws the oars into the lake and then disrobes; giving the impression that he would assault the girl. Then, he jumps into the lake leaving the distraught couple stuck in the middle of the lake. Media experts have opined that what according to Nimbus was a creative way of showcasing the competitive spirit in India, as well as creating hype around its new sports channel, had actually trod the fine line between creative and unconventional advertising and respecting the ethical sensibilities of the people. It was felt by some critics that the two advertisements that were shown in the campaign, were in bad taste and also was offensive, since it showed people being mistreated, on the basis of colour/nationality. The advertisements were also criticized for showing Indians in bad light as India has always been known for its hospitality. Stereotypical appeals This includes sexual or racial stereotyping. Advertisements that imply that a woman, whether in the kitchen or in the boardroom, must look sensuous and inviting under any given circumstances, is an apt example of advertisements creating stereotypes. The fairness creams are also responsible for stereotyping the dusky women as being socially less desired for marriage. Other stereotypes that are often portrayed and concretized through advertisements are: Racial Ethnic Stereotypes Senior Citizens Gay Lesbian Consumers LARGER EFFECTS ON THE SOCIETY Given their wide reach and influence on the audience, we must realise that advertisements have significant impact on society in the long run: Value formation Advertisements are responsible for moulding society and the material wants of the people. The advertisements which display scantily clad female models in effect commoditize women. Moreover, the deluge of advertisements that increase ones propensity of consumption makes one feel that it is essential to possess a certain commodity in order to show that one belongs to a particular section (generally, higher echelon) of the society. Media content This refers to the information content of advertisements. Those advertisements which suggest the usage of preserved food items without even the slightest mention of the fact that many of the preservatives used have been proved to have carcinogenic effects are part of this category. Use of deception The advertisements of brands which conceal their negative aspects are included in this category. An example of this is the advertisements of cosmetics which say nothing at all about the long-term effects of using their products on a regular basis. Also, the advertisements of various educational institutes that wrongly claim to provide 100 percent placement to their students fall into this category. Advertisements targeting children and adolescents The advertisements that target the vulnerability of the adolescents and the children result in the creation of role models whom these kids are expected to emulate. This in turn shapes their dreams and aspirations in a truly unbecoming way. ADVERTISERS CONCERN Voice/Tone of the advertisement Comparative advertisements that thrive on inflicting vitriolic attacks on rivals are an example of this category. Copying of ideas and plagiarising of advertisements in the ad world is another such menace. Impediments to research on Ethics in Advertising There exist certain impediments to research on advertising ethics: Lack of practitioner interest Research is often impeded by the inapplicability of published findings to the business operations. Another reason for the same might be the disinterest of corporations in sponsoring research on advertising ethics as also is the funding constraint that cause researchers to rely only on a convenience sample. Lack of sound measures and framework Research is also impeded by a lack of psychometrically sound measurement scales and also a lack of theoretical frameworks in the field of advertising/marketing. Lack of relevant theories in related disciplines Research is also sometimes hampered by theoretical shortcomings in the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology, management, philosophy and advertising/ marketing. Lack of academic interest Research is often impeded by the lack of a journal editor and the difficulty that researchers face when trying to relate ethical issues to the traditional advertising issues. Why be ethical? During the 83rd Annual Management Conference of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, Keith Reinhardt, the Chairman and the Chief Executive of the US $15-billion company DDB Worldwide Communications Group, quoted the legendary co-founder of DDB, Bill Bernbach: All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of the society. We can vulgarize that society. We can brutalize it. Or we can help lift it onto a higher level. It might be misconstrued that Reinhad is against the edgy and the unconventional advertising means, however, that is not the case. He is against prurient sex, filthy humour and violence in advertisements. By making a success story out of the advertisements that are offensive to public decency, the message being put forth is disturbingly clear: the more rude and shocking you can be, the more successful you will be in advertising your product. Moreover, such advertisements send out faulty signals to the youngsters who represent and shape the future of our society. The people to blame for this are young creative directors who take pride in their eccentric thought process. Not only this, but the advertising industry also encourages this through machineries from Cannes to Clios that help place such creations on the pedestal. Passion is, without doubt, the most important ingredient in creative achievement. However, its flame need not necessarily leap for bullets, obscenity and falsehoods alone. It is essential to reinforce the virtue of positive passion in todays advertising world. It is imperative that ethics is a part of advertising, since we have a duty to live a good and fulfilling moral life. This duty is equally applicable to our business lives as well as our private lives. Marketing professionals also know that strong ethics do bring in good business. REGULATORY FACTORS AFFECTING ADVERTISING LEGISLATION The Federal Trade Commissions main focus regarding advertising is to identify and eliminate advertisements that are deceptive or those that mislead the consumer. The key areas of concern in this regard are: Deception The current policy on deception contains three basic elements: Where there is omission, practice or representation, there must be a high probability that it will mislead the consumer A â€Å"reasonable customers† perspective is used to judge deception The deception must lead to material injury As is evident from these basic elements, deception, in most cases becomes difficult to prove. Thus, even though an advertisement might be indulging in deceptive practices that do not strictly fall under the purview of the above mentioned elements, it cannot be prohibited. Reasonable basis for making a claim The reasonability of a claim is decided on a case-by-case basis. The following factors are taken into consideration in this regard: Type specificity of the claim made Type of product Possible consequence of the false claim The degree of reliance by consumers on the claim made The type and accessibility of the evidence available for making the claim Comparative Advertising Comparative advertising refers to an advertisement in which a particular product/service mentions the name of the competitor for the purpose of showing why the competitor is inferior to the product which is naming it. Comparative advertising by companies are on some occasions used to put down products of rival firms, without any basis or facts. This leads to unhealthy competition in the marketplace. Comparative advertising is considered deceptive unless: Comparisons made are based on facts The differences that are being advertised are statistically significant The comparisons made involve meaningful issues The comparisons are made to meaningful competitors In the 1980s during the period that has been now referred to as thecola wars,the soft drinkmanufacturerPepsiran a series of advertisements in which t showed people caught on hidden camera, and administered a blind taste test, chose Pepsi over arch rivalCoca-Cola. Endorsements An endorser or a testimonial refers to any advertising message that consumers believe reflects the opinions, beliefs or experiences of an individual, a group, or an institution. Endorsers must: Be qualified by experience or training to make judgements They must actually use the product SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY As per Phillip Kotler, â€Å"An organizations Task is to determine the needs, wants and interests of the target markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than its competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumers and the societys Well-Being.† Thus we see that organizations do have a responsibility towards society, apart from achieving their individual profit targets. An organization can exhibit two levels of social responsibility: Level One à   Being socially responsible is a business philosophy Level Two à   The advertiser is engaged in Pro-social Messaging An organization also exhibits different approaches to social responsibility: Obstructionist Stance à   Organization does as little as possible i.e. exhibits a low degree of social responsibility Defensive Stance à   Organization does only what is legally required Accommodative Stance à   Organization meets legal ethical requirements and sometimes also goes beyond what is required Proactive Stance à   Organization seeks opportunities to be socially responsible i.e. exhibits a high degree of social responsibility There are also different levels of Self Regulation that are often seen in organizations: Self-Discipline à   An organization develops, uses and enforces the norms by itself Pure Self Regulation à   The industry is the one which develops, uses and enforces norms Co-Opted Self Regulation à   Industry voluntarily involves non-industry people in the development, application and enforcement of norms UNETHICAL ADVERTISING ON THE INTERNET CONCLUSION Thus, we have seen the various types of advertisements that fall under the purview of unethical advertising, and have also seen the far reaching effects of the circumvention of ethics and morals on the society at large. Wherever freedom of speech and communication exists, it is then largely up to the advertisers themselves in order to ensure that ethically responsible practices are being conducted in their profession. Besides avoiding abuses and falling out of line with the ethical dimension of advertising, the responsible advertiser should also make it a point to undertake the repair and the harm sometimes caused by advertising. Since unethical practices have become commonplace, conscientious advertisers must take it upon themselves to make significant personal sacrifices in order to correct them. However, people who want to do things that are morally right must be prepared to suffer loss and also at times personal injury, rather than doing what is wrong. This does not mean that adv ertising, as we know of it today, be eliminated from the contemporary world. Advertising is an integral element in modern day society, especially with regards to the functioning of a market economy, which is becoming more and more widespread. Moreover, as described in the report earlier, advertising can, and often does play a fairly constructive role in the exchange of information, economic growth, and the ideas, and also in the fostering of solidarity among groups as well as individuals. Despite this, we must keep in mind, that it can als

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Seven Solitudes of Lorsa Lopez and The Spirits Essay -- Comparative, S

The assumed power of men has been an issue of gender politics throughout Seven Solitudes of Lorsa Lopez by Sony Labou Tansi and The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende. The African and Latin American cultures have become societies vulnerable to traditional biases of women being the weaker race, liable for blame of men’s problems. Through their attitudes, physical strengths and abusive behaviors physically, verbally and emotionally, men continue to oppress the women of their societies. Male power has been institutionalized by society, while women continuously combat their socially-accepted roles by using the only weapons to their disposal: their voices and sexuality. Estina Benta and Clara try to conform to their own standards of life by attempting to defy their male spouses. Using the power to voice their opinions and withhold strong self-confidence, both are able to control the emotions of their male authorities. (Provide context for this quote) â€Å"Clara walked around like a silent†¦shadow. She didn’t even look at [him]. She walked right past [him] as if [he] were a piece of furniture. [They] hadn’t resumed sleeping in the same bed† (Allende 113). Abstaining from communication and sex, Clara is able to expose Esteban’s vulnerability and gain her own power and independence. This particular vulnerability that is revealed through Esteban Trueba is the very essence of his eventual downfall. He â€Å"felt defeated for the first time in his life† (104) (put citation at the end of the sentence) which led to his abusive, possessive behavior towards Clara. â€Å"He wanted far more than her body; he wanted control over that undefined and luminous material that lay within her† (96). The necessity of obsessive control over women is the backbone o... ...m as he needed to be loved, even if it meant he had to resort to extreme measures. [But] he realized that Clara did not belong to him and that†¦she probably never would† (96). â€Å"Taking charge using his physical advantage Esteban â€Å"pulled her from the bed, dragged her down the hall, pushed her down the stairs, and thrust her into the library† (132). Words such as â€Å"pulled,† â€Å"dragged†, â€Å"pushed† and â€Å"thrust† correlate to sexual violence, which is a man’s only dominating feature that can keep him in a position of power. However being a strong individual does not mean having physical strength, rather it means strong-minded, emotionally stable and the power to speak out; all weapons of the women of African and Latin American cultures. Through their words and actions such as sex strikes, their power is illuminated and true equality is found because â€Å"women are also men† (23).